Girl Tribe Recommends

At Home Workouts

Girl Tribe Recommends: At Home Workouts

By Chloe Cornell


Jabs By Gina Zoom Workout Classes

The NYC-based Fitness instructor Gina DiNapoli shifted her standard kickboxing-inspired workout classes and made them accessible (and affordable) on zoom. You can choose from 4 class formats – each focused on HIIT Training, kickboxing, and muscle isolation. Get ready to DRIP in sweat and join an extremely supportive community that encourages you to be your best self in every class and in life!

Read about the different class formats available on zoom here:

If you want to sign up for a Jabs class, message @thenutritiousnorm via Instagram DM to get started!



Tracy Anderson’s 15-Minute Full-Body Workout

Infamous fitness entrepreneur Tracy Anderson partnered with Goop by Gwenyth Paltrow, one of her clients, to create a 15 minute full-body at home workout video. The former dancer is also known for training Victoria Secret model Alessandra Ambrósio, Shakira, Jennifer Lopez, and Kim Kardashian.

Although 15 minutes may not seem like much, it’s killer.





Chloe Ting Workout Programs

The Chloe Ting Free workout programs have become viral – and vital – in quarantine. Choose from 12 different workout programs that last from 2 weeks to 8 weeks that target your desired body area – ranging from full body to abs to thighs, etc. The Chloe Ting workout program provides you with an online calendar of workout videos to do each day of the challenge – making it very easy to follow along and hard to give up!

Check out the Chloe Ting workout programs here:


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