Editors' Letter

Editor’s Letter

By Bailey Donovan and Sara Komaroff

The Roar

Dear fabulous readers,

As your new editors-in-chief, Sara and I are so excited to share November’s issue with you! We are so proud of all of our writers, and we hope you all enjoy their amazing pieces. We are so thankful for all of the support we have received from former Girl Tribe editors-in-chief, Julia Wallach and Francesca Ricciarini, and from all of our readers.

This issue covers a broad scale of topics including political struggles like the fight for education in Afghanistan and also for reproductive rights here in America. Our writers also covered interesting pop-culture moments and trends like the Love Island Reunion and Britney Spear’s new movie! We hope that everyone can find something that speaks to them and enjoy reading these new articles.

On behalf of Girl Tribe, we are wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving and amazing upcoming holiday season!

Bailey Donovan and Sara Komaroff

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